Saturday, September 27, 2014


OrGano Gold Testimonials (These are the best Testimonials in the Industry!)


I don't know where to begin, OG gave me back my strength and my life! I suffered from major anxiety that caused my digestive system to stop working (the doctors only wanted me to drink broth) and my kidney was partially shutting down. Panic attacks sometimes two and three times a day! My skin turned yellow I lost all energy and just wanted to stay in bed PLUS I gained over 40 lbs. I was miserable! I hated life I didn't want to be seen in public. I didn't want to hang with my friends( I held myself prisoner in my home for almost a year only doing bare minimum) but the saddest thing was I was sad for my sons because I didn't feel like I could stay positive for them, even though I was fighting every day just to breathe ( I got diagnosed with a breathing pattern disorder).

 I was worried that I was setting an example of giving up and being lazy. When in reality I hadn't stop fighting I just didn't know what to equip myself with to defend myself. I was embarrassed for them because they had to see me like this. I was so angry because I thought I was losing my mind, I thought I was being weak minded. I thought it was all in my head! I couldn't control my emotions and I was trying to cover my pain. I felt like I had just jumped into a pool and was fighting to swim to the top for oxygen and I couldn't get there.

 After 6 doctors and no reason for any of this the consensus was I suffered from extreme negative emotions from my past that I had pushed so far deep into my self consciences and didn't remember much. Thanks to the wonderful products that I take ALL of, it helped the issues that were visible,I am breathing normally and I have lost 15 lbs,(still on the decrease) my skin is back to its normal color, no more rashes or itching of the skin and I am living again.

This time I have a new agenda, thanks to our amazing leadership in Jay and Carrie, Holton and Earlene, and Shane every summit was my counseling it was my healing in believing in myself again, loving me again and knowing I can have whatever I like! (YOU INC.)The people closest to me had no idea my hurts, or maybe it was they just didn't know how to help. This amazing group of people (OG) WHO CARE knew and I didn't have to say a word. I just always felt like they believed and they KNEW and I always felt like Jay and Holton were talking to me. As a product it is unbelievable, but as a company THERE ARE NO WORDS! I fully understand why Think and Grow Rich and the Napoleon Hill Group want to stand behind Organo Gold and the amazing Bernie Chua, Jay Noland and Shane Morand and their wonderful wives that OG would never be possible with out. Lastly, Rod Smith Thank you for not leaving me behind, giving me what's so helped you and many others. One day very soon. 

God Bless and love with all,

Jami M. (South Florida)



As an entrepreneur most of my life I have been involve in several different types of businesses including several network marketing businesses. Since my past experiences were never positive (or I should say never beneficial) I put myself in a state of being set against them all. OrGano Gold has change my whole perception and for many different reasons but mainly it is due to the health benefits that it offers people. I see it as a win, win situation for myself and for all the people that I have the potential to reach. I am very excite to be apart of this company. 

Jose L.



My son and I had H1N1 (swine flu) we drank the Gourmet Black coffee for 3 days no medicine expect a few tylenol, Flu was no longer with us... Doctors where baffled.

Akeem .(Kentucky)



I have been drinking OG coffee and tea since Sept 16 th, 2009 and thoroughly enjoying the taste. 

I have had my own ‘coincidence’ occur, one that brings tears to my eyes. 

I have struggled with my menstrual cycle every since it began. I have never been able to menstruate drug-free before in my life. 

After drinking the coffee for a month, I noticed I had no PMS symptoms and had an almost pain free period. Before my period would have been a 10/10 on the pain scale, this month it was a 1/10…amazing. 

I have been seeking relief for these symptoms for years but to no avail. 

This is a miracle in my life. I wanted to share. 

Thank you so much, 

Andrea S. (Regina, SK, Canada)



My name is Kristen B. and I am from Calgary, Alberta. 

I have been using the products for over 1 year, and I seem to notice new coincidences all the time! My newest testimony is about not having stomach aches anymore. 

Before OrGano Gold, I had gone to the Doctor many times about stomach pains that I would have around 4 or 5pm No Doctor knew what the cause was. I have found that since consuming the OrGano Gold products - including the wonderful Capsules, I don't have stomach pains anymore!

I had never thought that it might be acid problems from my morning coffee, because I was having pain in the afternoon. I had my PH tested a short while ago - I tested 6 - water is 7!! Also, before OrGano Gold, I had what I thought was a good sleep, but after introducing a Hot Chocolate just before I go to bed I have noticed that I have an INCREDIBLY deep, relaxing sleep. I think it's a great coincidence!

Thank you OG! 

Kristen B. (Calgary, AB, Canada)




I never liked green tea before no matter what brand I tried, but I love OrGanoGold Green Tea. I used to buy mochas from Starbuck's and other coffee shops, but OrGanoGold Mocha is every bit as delicious as Starbuck's, just add the whipped cream!! Thank you to Bob P. for introducing me to these great products.

Holly H. (Victoria, BC, Canada)



My name is Sandy P. and I just wanted to let you know what the OG healthy coffee has done for me and my family. First of all, I was very sceptical...I thought it was just another scheme...not so. I was suffering from extreme joint pain (I could barely lift my arms) and chronic fatigue. I would come home from work and get on the couch and not be able to kids quite often had to fend for dinner themselves. Danielle Marley suggested I drink the coffee...I usually only drank one cup of regular coffee a day, because I got the jitters and burning stomach from it if I had any more. I switched to 1 cup of the OG healthy coffee, it took me a couple of cups to get used to the different flavour, but I did like it and noticed my energy level went up a bit. I still had the joint pain. Danielle M suggested that I start taking the capsules...I started with 1 spore cap a day and noticed a difference in both my energy level and the joint pain. My shoulders were much better.

I now drink 1-3 cups of coffee and tea a day because I love the taste and I take all the capsules because it makes me feel great...I have all the energy in the world now (I am working out again) and NO more joint pain. Another difference I have noticed since being on the Organo Gold products is that I don't have any 'plumbing' issues anymore. What a relief that is.

I have since got my whole family on the coffee, tea and capsules...everyone feels great and no more seasonal colds and flus.

I will be forever grateful to Danielle M. for introducing me to OG.

Thank you,

Sandy P. (Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada)



I was skeptical at first when I heard about a healthy coffee. Could it really taste good and be good for you? As I poured the contents into the cup and mixed it with hot water, it looked and smelled like a regular cup of coffee. When I took the first sip, I thought to myself, this isn't bad. Sip after sip, I was actually enjoying my coffee. And when I thought of the ganoderma herb being in it, I felt even better knowing that this cup of coffee was not bad for me. After getting home, I did not feel sleepy, tired or that crashing sensation like before. I mean, it is 1 a.m. and here I am typing my testimonial full of energy. Even better was the taste itself. I didn't have to add cream or sugar to it. I was delicious just like that. I can't wait to drink another cup of Organo Gold Coffee!

Fernando C.



I began drinking Organo Gold Healthy coffee in mid-June of 2009. My husband and I were introduced to the product through our oldest daughter's teacher. Her husband also ran fitness classes that I participated in. Wonderful people!!! 

The very first drink I tried was the green tea. I enjoyed the taste and smoothness of the product. 

After finishing the cup I felt my body detox immediately. I needed water now! 1 hour after having drank the green tea I noticed that my muscles weren't nearly as tight and acidic feeling. I wish I could explain that better in words but I cannot. 4 hours later, the acidity returned.

My husband, children and I left our 1st Healthy coffee party with a box of Black, Green Tea, Latte and Hot chocolate. Oh, happy sales day for Chris and Heather!!

We also left wanting to learn more about the business.

My husband and I launched our own Organo Gold Healthy Coffee business on August 16, 2009. It has been going very well for us so far.

Currently I drink 1-3 cups of OrGano Gold every day. I have increased energy levels and stamina, two of the major benefits of consuming the herb Ganoderma.

I can feel my body regularly detoxifying - no tight acidic muscle feelings any more and I crave water, lots of water!

That's my Healthy Coffee story.


Corina W (Regina, SK, Canada)



I was introduced to Organo Gold from my sponsor, Theresa H, and was very skeptical. I am someone that would of never tried this product on my own. I decided to try it and drank it every day for a week. I seemed to have more energy every day and definitely would say that something was happening to my body. Just an over all feeling of "well being". I am sold, and now I am on a mission to tell anyone that will listen what a difference it could make in their lives. I have a Latte in the morning and drink the Green Tea throughout the day. Thank you OG, Feeling Good! Looking Good! 

Nancy R (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)



October 7, 2008 my life was changed dramatically, my husband of 30 years passed away unexpectedly. We really had not done the things to prepare either of us for something like this to happen. There was minimum life insurance and really nothing saved in a case like this. I knew I needed to do something to supplement my job to be comfortable, to be able to pay the bills and do some extra things. I really wasn't looking forward to finding a part time job. I didn't want to be away from home and my dogs more than I already was. When I found out my first grand baby was on the way I really didn't want to miss time with him! So I was praying for something to come my way.

I had been involved in previous multi level marketing businesses before but nothing that I really was able to work the way they should be to even know if they were for me or not. As a result of my husband's death I was reunited with someone that I care for very much and have considered like a daughter for many years, Nina Duran. We met for dinner and she told me about the great company she was a part of and asked if I would take a look at it and let her know what I thought. I told her I would and we went to my first Organo Gold meeting. Sitting at the meeting I saw that she was a part of this with Rod and Suzy who I had met through Nina before. I knew that the 3 of them together was a positive. I knew that I could trust whatever the business was because I knew the integrity that the 3 of them stood for. I also knew Nina would not be inviting me to something at this time of my life that wasn't worth looking at.

I watched the presentation and was so impressed by the concept, the product and the compensation plan that I knew this was the answer to what I was looking for. Did I mention that I have never been a coffee drinker and not even a hot drink drinker. I had never heard of the company let alone tasted any of the products, I had never heard of Ganoderma and had no idea what is was, did or was even about!

After the presentation I told Nina to sign me up and do it at the Gold Pack, I told her I wasn't going to "miss the boat" again. I was going to listen to what she had to say and felt in my heart I wanted to be a part of the OG family. I also knew that I had so much going on with my husband passing away only a few months before and a new grand baby on the way how was I going to do it, but, I knew I didn't want to give up my spot. This was at the end of February, 2009.

I have been to meetings, summits and trainings and even though I have not worked the business like I should, I never felt like I wasn't part of my OG family! I have made so many new friends and had so many new personal experiences that I will always be thankful!

If you notice, this testimony is written on the 1 year date that my husband passed away! The new date that my life is going to drastically change again. The day that my commitment to Organo Gold is going to be taken seriously! You see I hadn't done the things that Nina had told me I needed to do for my business to be successful. This is the first day of my new start with OrganoGold and this testimony is the first step.

Thank you Nina, Rod, Suzy, my new Organo Gold family and the family that is yet to join. Thank you also Bernie, Jay and Shane for founding this wonderful company. I can't wait to make my mark and show what I can do with the training and support that is always there.

Where am I getting this energy? Why am I still up when I have to get up so early? 

This are questions I have been asking myself. When I first started drinking the Green Tea and Mocha I found myself staying up later and later just getting things done! I have to get up very early in the morning (between 4:30 and 5:00 am). Even though when I would first wake up I knew I was tired I was able to get going and motivated right after I got up.

Well after a few months I got lazy and wasn't making my tea and not drinking the Mocha as often and I couldn't figure out why I was getting so tired all of the time! It finally hit me, I wasnt drinking my Organo Gold!

I started drinking it regularly again and what I difference! It's 3:30 am and I'm still up, thank goodness I have tomorrow off but I feel great!

By the way, the iced green tea is the best and the Mocha is my favorite.

Vicki C (Lakewood, CO)



I didn't think my first taste of Healthy Coffee was anything special but I thought the concept of it was mind blowing as I have been a serious coffee drinker for many years. I bought 3 boxes and asked a bunch of questions about the business, then went home to drink it up (the coffee and the business). By the end of the first box I was hooked. I spent a couple more weeks checking out the business because I really didn't want to do network marketing ever again but I couldn’t resist the concept of healthy coffee. Since my first introduction in July 2009 my two conventional businesses started falling apart at the seams. I took a leap of faith and flew from my home in Nanaimo, BC to Regina, Sask to meet and hear the teachings of Jay Noland as my upline had been ripping it up enough to get his attention. I am now absolutely, without a doubt, certain where my future is headed and am prepared to do whatever is within my grasp (with the good Lords help) to do to secure it in as little!

time as possible. I have a choice right now to watch my life fall apart and slump into the depths of pitty or throw my pride aside and burn all the goats in my path. As the band Sister Hazel put it "if you want to be somebody else, change your mind" and that is what I have just accomplished. Thanks Dave and Lee.

Peter K. (Nanaimo, BC, Canada)



Because of my job I am going in and out of places all day long. The challenge with that is that my job has to adjust very quickly to different temperatures. Last week I was exposed to a lot of rain though out the day. As a result by the the time I arrived home I was feeling very sick. I went to sleep immediately. After a few minutes I was completely congested. I was not able to breath. I panicked. As I child I had asthma and I felt how difficult it was becoming for me to breath. My daughters made me a cup of mocha and 2 ganoderma capsules. Within 15 minutes I started to feel better and able to breath. Within 20 to 30 minutes I was completely clear and able to breath normally. Those who have never had asthma have no idea how scary it is the feeling of not being able to breath. I am very grateful to have OG in my life.

Gabby R (Illinois)



You know that I am the number one fan! Of Ganoderma, since I have been taking it I am unstoppable!! 

I have never had so much energy, I am healthy, my hair, my nails. People think that I am 24 not the other number.

I am a ‘gym bunny’ 7 days a week, I have started to run almost 30km per week, sometimes more. 

I have never felt better in my life, I want everyone I know to feel this energy and feel this good everyday!!

Anne B. (Nanaimo, BC, Canada)



My name is Brian V. I was introduced to healthy coffee and it's 

capsules by Danielle Marley. In January of 2009 I went to my doctor and 
complained of bloating, I.B.S, acid reflux, being very tired and just 
feeling very poor. She sent me for blood work and from those tests I was made 
aware that I was very unhealthy. The tests showed that I was pre-diabetic with 
high cholesterol and a fatty liver. I was 198 pounds which was too much for my build. 
My doctor suggested I go on some medication for cholesterol and we 
needed to work on the pre-diabetes situation. I really didn't want to go 
on medication so after meeting with Danielle and researching the Organo Gold 
products my wife and I decided to try the products. I started trying the 
products in April. 

I started with the coffee and then added the capsules a few weeks later. I 

am feeling great. I have lost weight and now am in between 172 and 175 pounds. 
I was going for monthly blood tests. My results came down with each blood test.
Now ALL of my numbers are within normal limits. My doctor is now asking me for 
more information about Ganoderma. 

Brian V. (Victoria, BC, Canada)



I am so greatful for this wonderful gift of Organo Gold supplements. I have been taking them for the last 2 months and the "coincidences" are amazing. When I was 13 I fell off a horse and suffered brain damage. The following 23 years have been filled with a variety of seizures, examinations and medicatons. Nothing has stopped the seizures. Just before starting the OG supplements I was having 1-6 seizures a week with several days of recovery.

I was also having 3-4 migraines a week. The first 28 days I was listening to my body as I tried OG Spore Powder and then the Ganoderma along side of my regular seizure meds. It wasn't until the 28th that I had a seizure. This month I've been doing Ganoderma in the morning and trying to remember to take a Spore Powder during the day. I'm on day 30 without a seizure this time. I used to spend most of my life in bed dealing with seizures and migranes. I know its only been 2 months but my life feels way different with minimal seizures and migraines. Even with 1600mgs of seizure meds I get up 3 hours earlier now. No more brain fog. I also have way more energy to exercise. I've lost weight and tightened up. I will continue to listen to my body and add more OG supplements. 

I want everyone to feel as good as or better than I do, so I am excited about starting my Organo Gold business. My partner and I are very happy with the improvements to my health and my OG business. We believe we have a much better chance at achieving our family and financial goals.

Vicki W (Victoria, BC, Canada)

2 months use



Shane V (Pueblo, Co) 

Working my recent job for four years, working the graveyard shift. I had a hard time trying to adjust and getting my body back to a normal schedule. Recently I was introduced to OG products by my mother who is a representative. I’ve try the latte and black coffee for two days and ever since then I was hooked!! I have full Energy throughout the day with no jitters, I don’t feel tired at mid day, I sleep better at night and don’t wake u grumpy or tired in the morning. Thanks to all who brought this product to Colorado!!

Jessica V (Pueblo, CO)

With OG products that I have taken it improved my concentration at work. I feel better and well alert. It has reduced my migraines headaches from 3 per month to 1 per month. And my blood pressure has reduced as well!! Thanks OG Family!

Shane and Jessica V (Pueblo, Colorado)



As T. Harv Eker says "When it comes to business opportunities, winners say yes and losers say no" Ironically enough, I was at one of his Peak Potentials events when opportunity came knocking. I said yes. "Yes Lana, I will have a cup of coffee with you." Left camp and enjoyed my additional two weeks of vacation in the East Kootenays before heading back to Phoenix. Again, opportunity knocked. "Yes Cameron, I will teach you what I know about another MLM." So by the time we had driven the 1500 miles back to Phoenix, he was acting like he had just found a winning lottery ticket. He was excited and so was I. Here I thought, wow what an opportunity to be with my son and help him make a success of his life without the struggle of climbing the corporate ladder and trading time for wages.

After getting home, I talked with Lana some more and found out how similar OrganoGold was to another company and their compensation plans. But wait. This is coffee? Who drinks coffee? How hard would it be to sell coffee? Healthy coffee? Now my head was spinning, thinking of all the people in my life that need to be healthier and if they did, just how many years it might add to their ailing body and how much longer I could enjoy them in my life. I'm in! I'm off to Jamaica to learn learn learn. Well, I did have some fun there too. 

So here is the tricky do you have this much fun selling healthy coffee, making people healthy and wealthy and make it look like work?

I sold my business, loaded up my truck with coffee and my son and I are off to have a wonderful life doing whatever we want, wherever we want while making people healthy and wealthy, drinking coffee........ I mean, ummmm, working.

Life is too short to drink %@#% (bad) coffee!

Thomas MacDonald (Phoenix, Arizona)



I've been listening to my body since I started enjoying the OG beverages.

There have been two significant differences...

#1 Energy Boost 

I'm a nurse and my normal routine is to work three 12-hour shifts on the weekends.
Usually I get one good night's sleep on Thursday night. Then I go go go all weekend,
working Fri, Sat & Sun nights with activities planned in between. I allow my body
very little rest and have been known to spend the Monday after the last shift nearly 
exhausted, and "crashing" by Monday evening. 

Since enjoying the OG coffee and tea, I have noticed that I have more energy

during my "marathon" weekends. I don't feel tired on Monday, even after working
all weekend.

#2 Efficient Bowels

Again, I'm a nurse and I tend to notice things some would dismiss, like how 
my body is eliminating waste. Since consuming the OG beverages, I have noticed
my bowels moving more often, with more output and less effort. I know, like I said
before, not a subject most want to talk about. But everyone does it, ideally at least
daily, if not more than once a day.

Are these two differences a direct effect of drinking healthier beverages? I don't know,

all I know is... I'm enjoying the difference and I'm not going to stop enjoying OG.

To your prosperity,

Collette G. (Riverside, California)



I will start by saying, my testimony is a work in progress.....It keeps getting better every day. It began when someone I had never met asked me the question; "Do you or someone you know drink coffee at least occasionally?" My answer was, yes of course! Then, "How do you drink your coffee? Black or with cream and sugar? My answer was, cream and sugar. Then Heather simply said she had her own coffee business and would I be willing to try a sample and get back with her and let her know what I thought about it. ex. .How is the taste and how did it make you feel? The reality of it all is this.....I tried the coffee the same day, I was in awe at what I felt. No jitters or anxiety, which had always been my testimony about coffee in the past. I got back with Heather within a few hours and bombarded her with a million questions. Then she explained that I could duplicate what she had just done with me and that she had others on her team that would guarantee my success if I 

was willing to follow the 4 step process. I find it hard to contain myself from all the excitement. I have surrounded myself with people who I had never met but have immediately become a part of my life. They truly care about my success because helping others is what it's all about. My mindset has changed and I will not turn back. I will be here to help someone else find their dream. I am on the right track thanks to Heather Putman and Brett Shoemaker. See you at the Houston summit :)


Tina H. (Wylie, Texas)



My Aunt Ellen said the ganoderma tea has made her feel better than she did prior to us coming to San Antonio. She was experiencing some pain in her shoulder and was originally scheduled to have an MRI, but I think she has redirected her thoughts about the MRI since she's been drinking the tea! 



Rosondra B. (Denver, Colorado)


Once you register and  buy and use any of the products especially the coffee, you must post your testimonies too! I look forward to you easily losing weight by drinking Organo Gold coffee and enjoy the other amazing health benefits now!